Best case, worst case: A (fictional) tale of Washington's 2024 season
How good can it be? And how bad might it get?
You know the drill: Ted Miller, the great former ESPN writer, used to concoct fictitious, best-case/worst-case scenarios for each Pac-12 team ahead of every new season. I reached out to him in 2021 to ask if he would mind me reprising the idea for a column of my own.
Ted gave the green light, so I’ve written one before each of the past three seasons.
As Ted always reminded: these are works of fiction. None of the events or quotes are real. But there’s nothing wrong with a little creative exercise every now and then, no?
Best case
Washington finds little resistance in any of its first four games. Weber State is a blowout. Ditto for Eastern Michigan. Washington State loses by three scores, and Northwestern can barely complete a pass.